dr hab. inż. Maciej Bero

21st February 2009 immersed in grief we gave farewell to our colleague and friend – Associated Professor Maciej Bero, who worked for many years in Centre of Polymer Chemistry Polish Academy of Science (currently Centre of Polymer and Carbon Materials).

Maciej Bero grew up in the family where patriotism, justice and honesty were considered of the supreme importance.

His contribution to national liberty was noticed after Poland's liberation in 1989 when he was awarded with Golden Cross of Merit, Home Army Cross, Partisan Cross, Veteran of Struggle for Independence Commemorative Decoration.

In 1947 he entered the Chemistry Faculty at University of Łódź. After the '56 October thaw he was allowed to continue the studies; he graduated from University of Łódź in 1959. He undertook scientific activity at the Institute of Artificial and Synthetic Fibers in Łódź where he worked on copolymers of acrylonitrile synthesis in manufactures of fibres. Since 1962 he continued scientific research at  Technical University in Szczecin. In 1967 he obtained a PhD degree on thesis upon kinetics of hetero-phase acrylonitrile polymerization. He also carried out research work upon the kinetics of free radical polymerization.

In 1970 he joined the Institute of Polymers, Polish Academy of Science in  Zabrze (currently Centre of Polymer and Carbon Materials). Soon he became esteemed expert in the field of coordinative polymerization. He undertook research on the mechanism of oxiranes initiation and on the impact of catalytic complex on polymer microstructure.

In 1980 for his research he received Award of the Scientific Secretary of the Polish Academy of Sciences. In 1987 he obtained the title of Associated Professor in chemistry at the Department of Chemistry at Technical University of Silesia.

Over 20 years ago Maciej Bero initiated pioneer research on biodegradable polyester and continued the investigations on polymerization of lactides and lactones and on practical application of the obtained materials in medicine. The  significance of this research may be proved by the amount of the citation of his works. Maciej Bero became one of the creators of scientific school of biodegradable polymers in Poland. In the Center of Polymer Chemistry he was leading the Laboratory of Coordinative Polymerization.

He is the author and co-author of over 100 scientific papers and patents.

Apart from scientific activity Maciej Bero cultivated his personal interests – philosophy, chess and numismatics. He was famous for his disinterest towards career, recognition, he neglected awards and scientific titles. He was an outstanding scientist but he will remain in our memory as a great supervisor, colleague and  friend. He was always eager to help his younger colleagues, he was disposed to offer advice and experience.

His knowledge and cordiality as well as particular sense of humor enabled him to make friends all around the scientific centers in Poland.

We will remember him as a very friendly, warm, sincere and joyful person with no trace of jealousy or greed. The death of this illustrious specialist of coordinative polymerization caused an irretrievable loss for Polish chemistry.

Janusz Kasperczyk
Piotr Dobrzyński 

Adres i kontakt

Nasz adres:
ul. M. Curie-Skłodowskiej 34
41-819 Zabrze
Tel. +48 32 271-60-77
Fax +48 32 271-29-69
Rzecznik prasowy:
Prof. dr hab. Grażyna Adamus, tel. +48 32 271-60-77 w. 226

Inspektor Ochrony Danych:
mgr Paulina Gąsior, tel. +48 32 271-60-77 w. 236
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W skrócie

Centrum powstało 1 stycznia 2007 r. w wyniku połączenia Centrum Chemii Polimerów PAN w Zabrzu i Zakładu Karbochemii PAN w Gliwicach – dwóch placówek Polskiej Akademii Nauk, które od lat prowadziły systematyczne prace nad wytwarzaniem i właściwościami materiałów makrocząsteczkowych - polimerowych i węglowych.

image      BIP CMPW PAN