Head of Laboratory: dr hab. Sławomira Pusz
tel. +48 32 271 60 77 ext. 774
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Microscopy Laboratory conducts research of polymer and carbon materials by methods:
•    Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM):
˗ Sample preparation for TEM and cryo-TEM techniques
˗ Studying of samples in cryogenic conditions (cryo-TEM)
˗ Studying of samples at room temperature (TEM, STEM and electron diffraction studies)
˗ 3D imaging in TEM and cryo-TEM (acquisition, reconstruction and visualization)
•    Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM):
˗ Sample preparation for SEM
˗ Studying of samples structure or surface morphology in low- and high-vacuum mode
˗ Studying of samples in environmental mode (ESEM)
˗ Studying of suspended matter by wet-STEM technique
˗ Chemical microanalysis of samples by EDS technique
˗ Interpretation of SEM and EDS results
•    Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM):
˗ Sample preparation for AFM
˗ Standard analysis of surface morphology of samples
˗ studying of surface morphology of samples immersed in liquid
˗ studying of surface morphology of samples at elevated temperatures (to 60 oC)
˗ Interpretation of AFM results
•    Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM - Dimension ICON NanoScope IIId):
˗ Sample preparation for AFM
˗ Standard analysis of surface morphology of samples
˗ studying of surface morphology of samples immersed in liquid
˗ Material mapping in terms of nanomechanical properties (PF-QNM)
˗ Quantitatively characterize conductivity at the nanoscale materials (PF-TUNA)
˗ Interpretation of AFM results

Adres i kontakt

Nasz adres:
ul. M. Curie-Skłodowskiej 34
41-819 Zabrze
Tel. +48 32 271-60-77
Fax +48 32 271-29-69
Rzecznik prasowy:
Prof. dr hab. Grażyna Adamus, tel. +48 32 271-60-77 w. 226

Inspektor Ochrony Danych:
mgr Paulina Gąsior, tel. +48 32 271-60-77 w. 236
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W skrócie

Centrum powstało 1 stycznia 2007 r. w wyniku połączenia Centrum Chemii Polimerów PAN w Zabrzu i Zakładu Karbochemii PAN w Gliwicach – dwóch placówek Polskiej Akademii Nauk, które od lat prowadziły systematyczne prace nad wytwarzaniem i właściwościami materiałów makrocząsteczkowych - polimerowych i węglowych.

image      BIP CMPW PAN