Theses and dissertations

Theses and dissertations

Educational activities at CMPW PAN are carried out by means of academic supervision over bachelor's and master's theses through agreements concluded with higher education facilities in Silesia.
CMPW PAN is authorized to award doctoral degree in an extramural mode in the discipline of chemical sciences. 
CMPW PAN co-creates the Joint Doctoral School with many scientific units, the leader of which is the Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice.

Education at Joint Doctoral School of the Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice and GIG Research Institute in Katowice, Institute of Theoretical and Applied Informatics of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Gliwice, Institute of Environmental Engineering of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Zabrze, Centre for Polymer and Carbon Materials of the Polish Academy of Sciences (CMPW PAN) in Zabrze, Maria Skłodowska-Curie National Rsearch Institute of Oncology in Gliwice, KOMAG Institute of Mining Technology in Gliwice.

Joint Doctoral School is an interdisciplinary school, which has a unique curriculum offer. Doctoral students of the school gain knowledge from one of the below mentioned disciplines:

Architecture and urban planning,

Automation, electronic and electrical engineering,

Biomedical engineering,

Technical informatics and telecommunications,

Civil engineering and transport,

Chemical engineering,

Material Engineering,

Mechanical engineering,

Environmental engineering, mining and power engineering,

Chemical sciences,

Medical sciences, 

Management and quality sciences.

What is important is that institutions that form the School allow its research equipment use and carrying out research under the guidance of world-renowned scientists.

The goal of education is to broaden and deepen knowledge of doctoral students in the field of selected scientific discipline in an interdisciplinary environment allowing for the placement of competence associated with a given scientific discipline in a wider context. Knowledge and skills acquired during the studies will prepare you as a doctoral student to plan, design and conduct research independently within the Individual Research Plan (Indywidualny plan badawczy – IPB).

Thanks to the education process you will gain competence enabling you to engage in individual as well as team scientific research, especially interdisciplinary ones.

The studies last 8 semesters and they are full-time studies (the classes are held during working days). They are free of charge. Every PhD student receives scholarships.

Applications must be submitted only throught the on-line platform -

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Address and contact details

Our Address:
ul. M. Curie-Skłodowskiej 34
41-819 Zabrze
Tel. +48 32 271-60-77
Fax +48 32 271-29-69
Rzecznik prasowy:
Prof. dr hab. Grażyna Adamus, tel. +48 32 271-60-77 w. 226

Inspektor Ochrony Danych:
mgr Paulina Gąsior, tel. +48 32 271-60-77 w. 236
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In short

The Center belongs to category A of scientific facilities in Poland. It was established on January 1, 2007 as a result of a merger of the Center of Polymer Chemistry of PAN in Zabrze and the Institute of Carbochemistry of PAN in Gliwice – two centers of the Polish Academy of Sciences which, for many years, had been conducting systematic work on the production and properties of macromolecular polymer and carbon materials.

image      BIP CMPW PAN